Tuesday, 8 June 2010

First blog of 2010... Yes I realise that it is June...

Hi there!

Well like I said in my very first blog which was a very long time ago, I am not brilliant with electronic devices and things such as this... which is why I forgot to carry on blogging :s

Ok well now that I have finished university... (Pause for round of applause... Thank you) I am focusing my time on sending work out and trying my hand at this old publishing game.

Also with regards to my 'acting' career I am hoping to be auditioning for a few roles very soon... will keep you informed on this :)

I have a completed calling script now so will be sending that out to various people and places and also I have a new found love for poetry and can't seem to stop writing and reading it so will be approaching some magazines and blogs with my work.

I promise to keep you all informed of my progress... I understand if you don't believe that statement because I have promised this before... but... I will try my very best :)

Thank you for taking the time to read this

Blog soon

Laura Louise Cox